"God creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness." - (Mark Denman)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas in Purcelville 2015

 A parade...

...a trolley ride...

...our Town Christmas tree...

...decorations around town...

...the reason for the season

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Day 2015

"You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger
Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find."

(From Bless the Lord chorus by
Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman)


As I stood under my shower this morning, enjoying the spray of warm water, thoughts of blessings I take for granted popped into mind.  A comfortable bed to sleep in at night; food to eat; clean water to drink; waking up to a new day and being able to see, hear, walk, and breathe; even this nice smooth shower wall that just needs to be wiped down, instead of tiles and grout to scrub.

I am thankful that the green tomatoes I picked off the tomato plant on the balcony when the weather turned cold are now ripening on my window sill...

 ...and I'm thankful for the flowering Christmas plant given to me by a friend.

I am thankful for all of my family and friends, and for the technology that makes it easy to stay in touch with those who live far away.     

This year my oldest granddaughter and her hubby were the hosts for what turned into a triple celebration--the first Thanksgiving in their new home, the announcement as to whether the baby they are expecting is a boy or a girl, and a great grandson's 10th birthday.


As you can see, I was not the only photographer.


My grandson gave me a ride so I wouldn't have to drive home in the dark, and I was thankful for the rare chance it gave us to spend one on one time together and to share the view of a spectacular orange moon that this picture doesn't do justice to.  A very blessed ending to a very blessed day.