"God creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness." - (Mark Denman)

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Staunton memories

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble,  whatever
is right, whatever is pure,  whatever is lovely, 
whatever is  admirable--if anything is excellent 
or  praiseworthy--think about such things."
(Philippians 4:8)

These pictures were taken in early November when my daughter drove me to Staunton to visit a friend.  It was nice to be sitting in the passenger seat for a change, and to be able to take pictures through the windshield.

One of the highlights of the day was watching the antics of this cheeky little squirrel who, I was told, shows up daily at my friend's patio door to beg for peanuts.

As we took a short tour of Staunton, this lovely old tree in the cemetery caught my attention because of how much it looked like two hands lifted up in praise.

There were several larger than life steel sculptures around town created by the late Willy Ferguson.  My favorites were this watering can and two giant flower pots flanking both sides of the railroad overpass.

It was a beautiful day for a walk around the duck pond before heading home.