"God creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness." - (Mark Denman)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Yesterday's Storm

"He sends the snow in all its lovely whiteness,
and scatters the frost upon the ground..."
(Psalm 147:16 TLB)

Can you see what I see?

The beautiful colors and reflections formed by the sun shining through a stained glass window in our prayer room at church momentarily distracted me, and I couldn't resist taking a few shots.

Can you see what I see?  A vacuum cleaner, a canary on a perch, a colorful bird with a tasty morsel in its beak?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Harbingers of Spring?

"As long as the earth remains, there will be
springtime and harvest, cold and heat, 
winter and summer, day and night."
(Genesis 8:22)

Today is Groundhogs Day, and the famous groundhogs don't seem to agree in their predictions of whether spring will come early or late.  My vote goes to early, given the gazillions of robins to be seen around town--even though the person who lives in the home where I took these pictures told me they come out like this to eat the rock salt splashed up onto the yard by cars whizzing by.